Application for Family Fun Day!

Download our application form using the button below.
Please email the completed form to Liz Spencer at

For any questions or additional information, call 310-258-4099 or

Pepper Tree Farm Family Camp Pilot Program

Applicants can attend one of four Saturdays:
November 2, 9, 16, 23, 2024 from 10am – 4pm

1881 Old Topanga Canyon Road
Topanga, CA 90290

Pepper Tree Farm is a new, non-profit organization dedicated to providing children with disabilities the same fun and outdoor opportunities as their age-appropriate peers.

The future: Located in beautiful Topanga Canyon at the former Mill Creek Ranch, the Farm will be fully accessible. Pepper Tree Farm will host three types of events: Families for weekend day camp; School Children for Outdoor Education during the school week and Young Adults for job training. Our programs will include typical youngsters as well.

Weekend Pilot Program of Family Camp


Each Saturday, ten families that include a child served by Westside Regional Center, will attend Camp. WRC supports infants through adults who have developmental and intellectual disabilities. Our pilot program will be designed to host WRC children age eight and younger.

Each Saturday, there will be between thirty and fifty participants, depending on the size of each family. The large group will be broken up into four smaller groups, each led by a guide, and each group will rotate through the activity areas.


Giddy Up Ranch, since 1989, a well-known provider of pony and horse rides and petting zoos, will run our animal program.  Children will be able to ride ponies and horses and meet, walk and play with miniature farm animals.

Other activities will include arts and crafts; Ranger-led hikes; cupcake decorating; games, music, sports and bubble-blowing! Plus, a yummy lunch will be served!

With permission, families will exchange contact information; all youngsters will be given Pepper Tree Farm T-shirts and photo albums will be mailed home. Best of all, friendships and memories will be made!

Contact Liz Spencer at 310-258-4099 or